Photos for you to peruse…

24 06 2011

Photos for you to peruse….

Click the link above to check out some photos of our Fellow OCAM Artisans who will be joining us at the OCAM Market this Saturday at Open Eye!   We hope to see you there!

May 7th OCAM market at Open Eye!

26 04 2011

Roulette Vintage will be at the OCAM Market at Open Eye Cafe on May 7th! It
will take place on the back patio of Open Eye, from 11 AM to 4 PM.  Participating Artisans include: Carrboro Coffee CompanyBrilliant HandmadeGeoff Henshallheadfirst(screen printed designs), Little FoxesReciprocities and Roulette Vintage (of course). There will have great art, jewelry,  awesome screen printed tees and artisan roasted coffee.

Roulette will be bringing Men and women’s vintage clothes, our Roulette Remade line plus vintage home goods, belts, scarves and other goodies.

Hope to see you there!  Don’t forget that Mother’s Day is May 8th!  The OCAM market is the perfect place to find a gift for the Mom in your heart.

To check out the Facebook invite, click here.   You can also like OCAM on Facebook here.

Orange County Artisan Market

24 03 2011

We are really excited to be part of the new Orange County Artisan Market!  OCAM is a cooperative craft market that aims to put on a series of  great markets that focus on fashion, handmade, crafts and art.  These markets will take place at a variety of places around Orange county.  Roulette Vintage is one of the organizers along with 2 of our designers: Buffy Maske of Reciprocities and River Takada-Capel of Riverbasin Outfitters.

Our first market will take place this Saturday, March 26 from 12 to 5 Pm at the Nightlight Bar & Club!  The Market is part of Nightlight’s 8 year anniversary block party.  So much to celebrate!

Some artisans you may recognize from Roulette are: Reciprocities, Riverbasin Outfitters, Mi Scusi Hand Made, Little Foxes, Cuke & Sew and Brilliant Handmade.  Other artisans that you can meet and enjoy are: Amanda Barr, Cameron Zarrabzadeh, Lollipop Sailor, Headstart, Bijou Savvy, Quite Contrary and Worthwhile Mercantile.  Vintage, remade and handmade clothing and accessories will be available; as well as screen printed goods, candles, art, jewelry, small furnishings, pottery and more!  There will also be a raffle and bake sale.

We’re really excited to see everyone again and hope you all get a chance to come out and say hi!   We have lots of new and fun items to show you!

An Interview with Birds and Arrows!

8 02 2011

We love Birds and Arrows!   Not only are they awesome musicians, but they also have wonderful taste in clothing and are a lot of fun to hang out with!  We are very excited about their show at the ArtsCenter this Friday night (February 11th).  So we thought we’d ask them a few questions and let y’all get to know them too.

What is your first vintage memory?
ANDREA: My first vintage memories came from my mom. She saved so much of her amazing clothes from the 60’s and early 70’s. Digging through her cedar chest I would find everything from old prom dresses my grandmother made for her to beautiful jackets, vest and purses. I would play dress up with all of it and still do. But, now it’s actually my wardrobe.
PETE: My first was when a friend of the family left an old peach tank top that had an R. Crumb illustration of Mr. Natural saying “just passing through” I kept it and wore it till it literally fell apart.

What vintage era inspires you the most and why?
ANDREA & PETE: We can both agree that the early 70’s is our favorite time for vintage. Pete loves the early 70’s rock star look and I love the bohemian style. I also think it’s very charming and beautiful how much time detail still went into affordable clothing back then.

Do you have any fashion icons?
PETE: I would have to say Beck.  He has always had this kind of this high fashion surfer vibe that inspires me.
ANDREA:  I don’t necessarily have someone specific that I can think of but I do love Native American culture and that has always been a big influence on my style.  with maybe a  little Stevie Nicks thrown in there.
JOSH:  Our friend Jonathan Durlam….he’s very fashionable!

Do you have a favorite article of vintage clothing?
ANDREA: Mine is this brown turkish jacket of my mothers. I have worn it so much over the years it’s in desperate need of repair but I still wore it in our last photo shoot.

PETE: Right now mine is this new plaid blazer I found. maybe from the late 60’s I also wore it in our last photo shoot.
JOSH: a special vintage T-shirt circa 1991 (way back when;) . I use to where it to job interviews cause it was my lucky shirt.

Y’all made your record sleeves for your last album and most of your merch. What inspired you go DIY?
ANDREA & PETE: Well, to put it simply: budget and creative control. Both of us love making things ourselves, so it only made sense to apply that to the band. Especially since Merch is one of the only ways to stand out and make money on tour. It’s a lot of work but it’s also very gratifying when I see someone walking around using a tote bag I made by hand.

What is your favorite music to listen to while you create?
ANDREA: Any SIGUR ROS record. I love them and since I can’t understand a word they say there are no lyrics to distract me while creating.
PETE: Mine would be Pete Gabriel era Genesis. It’s so familiar to me which makes it easy to listen to and not be distracted.
JOSH: My favorite thing to listen to while baking is anything Classical but especially Beethoven…he’s my favorite.

What band from the past would you love to see play live?
ANDREA: I would love to see Peter Gabriel circa 1986….(which Pete actually got to see and that makes me so jealous) Also, The Faces
PETE: For me it would have to be early Genesis and Led Zeppelin (Andrea: yea, that’s a good one I’d like that too).  The week John Bonham died me and my friends in California had planned to get tickets to the next show and then we found out the news.
JOSH: Every band that Pete saw in the late seventies, early eighties. That pretty much covers it. He went to so many shows that I dreamed of going to. Like Laurie Anderson and Peter Gabriel Security tour for example.

Is there an instrument that you have always wanted to learn but haven’t had the chance to yet?
PETE: Piano.
ANDREA: Mine would be pedal steel but we’ll see if that’ll ever happen.
JOSH: All of them…but next I would love to pick up the violin or upright bass.

If your music were to dress in clothing, what would it wear?
ANDREA & PETE: We think it would be barefoot wearing Robert Plants rockin’ bell bottoms (bulge included), Sonny Bono’s fur vest, an America Concert T with a little chest hair coming out the top (in honor of Josh) and last: some turquoise jewelry.

You’re playing at the Arts Center Friday night (Feb.11th). What’s special about this show?
ANDREA & PETE: Yes, we are really excited about this show because the vibe of it really fits what we’ve become as a band. What I mean by that is it’s at The ArtsCenter which is a great listening room for our type of music, there is an interview/conversation led by Tom Maxwell during which we plan to be very open and honest about our music and the process of making it. And it also includes a gift of artwork by Pete and myself, with half the record to download for everyone that attends. We are really excited about getting the new music out there for people to hear.

For more information and how to get tickets for the ArtsCenter show Feb. 11th, click here.
Click here to check out Birds and Arrows upcoming show schedule!
You can also become their fan on Facebook!

Pete and Andrea also shared photos of their closets and studio space! Love!

Etsy Sale

13 01 2011

Since Valentines is just around the corner, we thought it would be fun to have a little sale on Etsy. Etsy is a great place to shop when you are out of town, can’t sleep, at work, or snowed in:)

One of our very favorite dresses.

1940s suit to fall in love with

Also if you come into shop, vintage dresses on sale floor are 20% off until Saturday!

New Sensations

14 11 2010

Thomas Dean and his Lostwoods Prints have long been a favorite of ours. His printwork on both t-shirts and other media is whimsical and tough, managing to combine his surreal sketches with street style freshness. I like to think of it as the wedding of an 80’s breakdancer and 60’s earth child.

Here are some photos of the show, you should stop by and see it in person! It’ll be up through the holidays and the prints are available for purchase. We’ve also got new tees in!

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Photo Contest!

7 07 2010

As part of our 5 year celebration of Roulette Vintage, we’d like to celebrate our customers too.  You’re all so wonderful and have made Roulette so fun for us that its hard to call it work.  We’d like to invite you to submit your favorite photos of you and/or your friends wearing Roulette Vintage.  We’re calling it a photo contest but its really all about the love.  There will be multiple categories, some of which we may make up as we go along just because we got an amazing photo that deserves an award.   We plan on sharing them with everyone.  So show us what Roulette is to you!

Love, Kara and Rebecca

Categories(so far):  Best Vintage outfit, Best locally designed outfit, Best Group Shot, Best Band photo, Most Likely Drunk when this was shot, Most Original Location, Most Interesting photo and more…
Entries are accepted throughout the month of July!

And here are some photos that we’ve been sent in the past and faves that we’ve taken at the store to inspire you.

Best of Local Band Fashion contest!

17 06 2010

In honor of our 5 year anniversary this July, we will be celebrating 5 years of supporting local music at Roulette Vintage. Did you know we have lots of great local band t-shirts? Yep! And We’re doing a Best of Roulette Vintage and Local Band Fashion contest this July. We’re taking nominations for all categories through July 4th.  So make sure you nominate your favorites!

Here are the categories:

Best Band tee design: You can check out the local band tees we carry here on our Flickr, we will be adding more close ups of the tees this week.  Nominate your favorite design!

Best Dressed Local Band:  Who is the best dressed in vintage and local fashion?  We’re looking for a band that sets the stage for fashion in the Triangle.

Best Mustache: Local musician with the best mustache.

Best Hair: Do ever sit in the crowd and wish you have a certain local musician’s hair?  I do!  Nominate the hair you love!

Local musician who looks most like a 60-80’s TV star: Think your friend looks like a vintage TV star?  Nominate them!

To nominate a band or musician, you can shoot us an email or comment here on the blog.   You must include your first name.  Photos or links to photos help but are not necessary.  Please send any photos as attachments to emails.  YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED OR SHARED.

Local bands are also invited to submit band photos to us for our Coolest Band Photo contest!  Most of your band must be wearing vintage or locally designed clothing in the photo.   🙂

If you are a local band and would like to carry your t-shirt at Roulette, you can email us here.


8 02 2010

Hey Everyone,

This is Melissa, the newest employee at Roulette Vintage.  I just wanted to let all the service-industry shoppers out there know that I will be working at the shop on Mondays from 12-4 pm now! Giving y’all the chance to come by on your day off.  So, stop in and keep me company!



PS…Also, keep a look out for my weekly posts called “I heart Mondays”.  I’ll be writing about random new interests of mine like something I’ve been reading or local events I think you should check out.  So, keep checking in!

Be our Sweetheart…

26 01 2010

To celebrate Valentine’s Day and all our Roulette Vintage sweethearts, we will be dancing at our very own Valentine’s Fashion Party!  We love all things vintage, romantic and plastered with hearts, so its natural that we would want to share our fascination with others.  🙂

3 of our amazing designers will be coordinating Valentine’s Fashion collections for the party.  The designers are: Mi Scusi Hand Made, Riverbasin Outfitters and Sarah McLane Clothing.  Each of these designers have special qualities that make their clothing unique and lovable.  We’ll be featuring photos of each on our blog so stay tuned!

The Valentine’s Fashion Party is happening with a funky sweetness that will make you dance on Friday, February 12th, 6- 10 PM.
We’ll be handing out prizes for the most romantic, creative and whimsical of Valentines outfits, so dare to go crazy and dress in your Valentine best!